Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Dumbing us down: Weapons of Mass Destruction Essay

In the article â€Å"Dumbing us down: Weapons of Mass Destruction† John Taylor Gatto explains how today’s education system needs to be changed to focusing more on children’s interests instead of an institutionalized curriculum. He wants to revolutionize the school system to something similar to his education in a small town called Monongahela, Pennsylvania. When he went to school he was taught through classical schooling, which trained him to develop independent thinking and the appreciation for great old books before his time. In his small town of 4500 numerous important people have been brought up there including: Joe Montana, the founder of the Disney channel and the inventor of the nerf football. He thinks perhaps the success of these people is related to how they were brought up in school getting a hands on experience by cooking there own school meals, handling the daily school maintenance. He questions how college admission such as Harvard put such a big em phasis on standardized test. Gatto thinks that the education system was founded through a strict military system in Germany to keep the lower and middle classes grounded so leaders could keep capitalism running. During his time as a teacher he talks about how he wanted his students to get hands on experiences. For example one of his classmates was interested in comic book art so he sent her to watch a comic book artist for a week. The last part of the article talks about a way to stand up to the current education system by using Mellville’s moran genius in Bartleby, the scrivener. This is a way to peacefully refuse to go by the current system and simply reject it by getting large groups to not take the tests that schools hand out. Although John Gatto has some very intriguing information I, strongly disagree with his article. He never gives a reasonable way to fix our curriculum, but can only hope enough people agree with him to refuse it. The American school curriculum is great because if you work hard and make good grades then many doors will open through numerous colleges and scholarships. I think standardized testing is crucial to our education system because without it there would be no way to gage where every student should go after high school. John Gatto wrote this article specifically because he has been on two different sides of American education. In his youth, he was taught with more hands on learning that molded his view of how children everywhere should be taught. He is biased because of how great of success some people have had coming out of his small town of 4500 people. Then he was thrown into a unfamiliar way of teaching when he taught at a upper Manhattan school. In the Manhattan school a big amount of the focus was on getting kids ready national achievement tests. Although he may be right about how the curriculum was just turning into a achievement prep course, the reality of current schooling is how good you can do grade wise and on achievement tests like the ACT and SAT. In the article he tells of how it was his mission to teach beyond the boundaries of standardized testing and promote a more hands on type of learning so that his students would be motivated to seek out what they were passionate about. Hands on teaching is great, but what happens when they leave his class and are thrown out into standardized testing without and experience or practice. The article never really answers how his students did in the future but he was awarded the New York teacher of the year, and has written numerous books on our failing education system. John Gatto puts real life examples of how his teaching has affected students, which makes his argument a lot more compelling. He tells of how he sent a girl to the state capitol to speak to her local legislature and now she is a trial attorney. In the last part of his article he digs deep in how are education system needs to be reformed, using examples of college dropouts such as bill gate and Steve Jobs who are now running today’s economy. The article states how the government is not going to fix this problem, but it is up to the people to be educated enough to solve it themselves. He gives outlets such as home school or keeping your children aware that having bad grades is not the end of the world. The last paragraph goes into detail about how there are many different ways to get around the school system, but he never gives any real way that it could ever be changed. In the Article John Gatto expresses how achievement test are a waste of time in school, but I think that they are extremely important in showing where every student in the country stands. If we did not have standardized test it would be unfair to students who are in a lot more challenging schools. I did not think standardized testing was important either until my time at Baylor. My eyes were opened when kids with 4.0s in high school were struggling through there first semester. I never realized that some of these kids went to easier high schools then me, and were not prepared for the rigorous curriculum Baylor has to offer. For me standardized testing helped me get into a good college, because my high school was hard and I was not able to make good grades. If Baylor simply placed all its emphasis on GPA there is no way I would be at this school. Standardized testing is said to be a â€Å"pack of words† (Gatto John 593) by Gatto which is so false, because with out it there is no way for students in my situation to be given the opportunity to go to great schools like Baylor. I am thankful for my tough high school education because now at Baylor it is easy for me to stay organized and make good grades. Achievement tests also help kids who are in schools that are not as aca demically demanding. Colleges now have achievement tests like the SAT so they can gage where a student’s intelligence level is on providing admission into their school. John Gatto talks about how he was educated in a classical style with more hands on teaching, and when he was younger college was much to get into. I have talked to my dad and his friends and they say the SAT was almost optional in their time, and you could almost pick any school back then to attend. Today if students want to be taught a classical learning style they would have to be home schooled, because of how expensive it is already to fund the public school system the United States. He is right that hands on learning is critical for children, but a good basic education is needed for kids to be successful out of college. I think that in present times the SAT is critical for students in any situation to rise above and get into a college that is right for them regardless where they grow up. In the article Gatto does not like the r ole capitalism plays in our school system, even though it is actually what makes it possible for the individual to succeed no matter what background they came from. He thinks that capitalism in our schools is a way of keeping lower and middle classes in line when in reality it is there to help people willing to put in the work to get out of there respected social class. Capitalism is why people immigrate to America everyday; knowing that are country promotes the freedom to succeed economically and socially regardless of where you are from. Public schools may not all be on the same playing field academically, but that does not have to stop some one who is smart and motivated. Unlike some other countries, we give everybody a chance to succeed to the best of their abilities. It is impossible to give everyone the same education, but a strict curriculum and government regulations is the best attempt. Capitalism goes hand in hand with another prime example about how college drop outs such as Bill Gates are now some of the richest men in the world. Only in America is this possible, in places like china if you do not have a high education you are given limited opportunity. Gatto does a lot of complaining in his article, but has no real solutions except keeping your child aware that doing well in school will not define your future. I think Gatto is so corrupted by his small town upbringing that he does not understand that his type of education cannot be afforded by every body. Capitalism is what America and education are based of off, and with out it there would be no way for lower or middle class people to display their full potential. I completely disagree with John Gatto’s article, and think it could be hazardous for some people to read. If this article is read wrong children, even young adults will be under the impression that school is not that important; and be under the impression that it is, better to rebel against our school system then to flourish in it. Achievement tests are how capitalism is integrated into our schooling system, and with out it I fear where we would be as a country. Works Cited Wood, Nancy, and Miller James. Perspectives On Argument. 7th ed. New Jersey: Pearson Education, 2012. Print

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Justify your choice of major theme(s) in the novel “Of Mice and Men”, and trace its/their development Essay

Within the novel â€Å"Of Mice and Men†, numerous different themes are evident. These range from death (the killing of Curley’s wife and of Lennie) to nature (the descriptions of the scenery at the beginning and towards the end of the story). However, the themes that I will consider are that of friendship and of the ‘American Dream’. Friendship, in my opinion, is one of the most regularly occurring themes in the story because of all the struggles George and Lennie have to overcome in their friendship, for example, keeping Lennie out of trouble so as to avoid any further predicaments. Also, it is considered slightly strange that these two men (Lennie and George) have travelled together for so long given the trend at the time of itinerant workers who were almost constantly changing their workplace. This shows how strong their bond is and how they would never leave each other. To further enhance this point of the constant occurrence of friendship, we see all the other friendships present on the ranch like Candy’s friendship with his loyal dog and the general friendship between all the ranch ‘guys’. Candy particularly has a strong friendship between himself and his dog. His feelings are clearly evident in the scene in which Carlson volunteers to shoot his dog. Candy is extremely reluctant but allows it anyway. However, he soon realises his mistake after he has decided to become a part of George and Lennie’s dream and we can see he regrets it when he tells George â€Å"I shouldn’t ought to of let no stranger shoot my dog.† Another friendship that is present and the most integral to the story is the friendship between George and Lennie. This friendship has many different sides to it like anger and happiness and even George being protective of Lennie. George sometimes can’t stand the sight of Lennie and constantly breaks into sudden outbursts about how â€Å"life would be easy† without Lennie. Yet deep down George realises that he took up the responsibility for looking after Lennie after his Aunt Clara died and knows he could never desert Lennie because they need each other equally. Their friendship also links into the other theme I have chosen, the ‘American Dream’. This theme is what bonds Lennie and George together because they know that they have a purpose and will eventually get somewhere, which is another reason why George doesn’t leave Lennie. Moreover, this theme is also one of the main sources of conversation between George and Lennie. For example, the way Lennie constantly tells George to â€Å"tell how it’s gonna be.† Again, like friendship, the theme of the ‘American Dream’ is also a regularly occurring theme that is never far from the action. For example, in the fight scene with Curley and Lennie, it was because Lennie was grinning at the idea of the dream materialising that Curley, upset about his wife, decided to pick a fight with him thinking Lennie was laughing at him. Additionally, to emphasise this point further, there is a final recitation of it just before George shoots Lennie. George shoots Lennie because he feels that it is his responsibility and he didn’t want to see Lennie get shot â€Å"in the guts† at the hands of Curley. The dream also has an aura of infectiousness to it and the reader can see this when George and Lennie are going over it again to each other and Candy overhears them and wants to become a part of it. Furthermore, in the scene with the four ‘rejects’ (Lennie, Crooks, Candy and Curley’s wife), we see that Crooks also wants to facilitate the dream becoming a reality when Lennie inadvertently lets the idea slip out, but by the time the scene has ended, Crooks withdraws because of the verbal attack by Curley’s wife on him. â€Å"Keep your place then, Nigger. I could get you strung up on a tree so easy it ain’t even funny.† A further example of friendship is how nobody tries to befriend Crooks because he is black with the exception of Lennie because he doesn’t know the difference. Back then, in society, racism was openly accepted and it wasn’t thought unusual for blacks and whites to be separate. It was regarded as the way it was meant to be. In the case of Crooks, his circumstances also link into the themes of Racism as well as Loneliness, other themes within the novel. The two themes I have chosen both have twists in their paths. With friendship, it is introduced almost straight away when we read the descriptions of the two men although at first we don’t know the connection between them. However, as the story unfolds, their relationship becomes more apparent and we begin to see the depth of it. To begin with, we have the basic emotions and things that can happen within a simple friendship. For example, when Lennie has a dead mouse and is stroking it, George takes it away but Lennie is hesitant. The emotions range from anger, â€Å"give me that mouse or do I have to sock you?†, to a caring side when George consoles Lennie after he has confiscated it, â€Å"I ain’t taking’ it away jus’ for meanness.† On the other hand, as we go deeper into the friendship, we learn that despite the incident in Weed, George is still taking care of Lennie thus concluding that his feelings for Lennie are stronger than those in an ordinary friendship and we can also see that their relationship resembles that of one between brothers. As we move onto the ranch, we see that there is a general sense of friendship between all the ranch ‘guys’ and also see that racial discrimination is evident in the form of Crook’s loneliness. Returning to Lennie and George, when they’re introduced to Curley, the defensive element of their friendship comes back into play when Curley gets annoyed that Lennie isn’t talking, George becomes protective of Lennie and defends him. Again, the friendship has drastic contrasts, for example, one minute George is almost going to hit Lennie and the next, he’s preventing him from getting hit by Curley. A new character comes into the fold in the form of Slim who is more appreciated by George than Lennie although he gives Lennie one of his pups. George becomes friendly with Slim by confiding in him about Lennie. For example, he tells him about Weed and how when earlier, he used to beat Lennie up but Lennie would never retaliate and the time when he told Lennie to jump in the river and Lennie did. This builds up an element of trust within their newly formed friendship. â€Å"An’ he jumps. Couldn’t swim a stroke. He damn near drowned before we could get him.† Finally, we come to the final scene and this is when George and Lennie’s friendship really hits a downfall. After Lennie has killed Curley’s wife and has run off, Candy finds the body and informs George. Judging from George’s reaction, (â€Å"I should of knew. I guess way back in my head I did.†), it can be interpreted that he realises what the circumstances will be resulting from Lennie’s actions. Nonetheless, he joins the ensuing manhunt, knowing where to find Lennie, and meets up with him â€Å"in the brush†. At this period in the novel, we can sense the apprehension within George simply from his actions and responses to Lennie. For example, when Lennie says â€Å"I done another bad thing.† â€Å"It don’t make no difference,† George said, and he fell silent again.† Even so, George realises that Lennie can prove to be a menace to society and is unsafe because everyone is looking for him. George manages to be mentally strong and shoots Lennie because he doesn’t want his long time cherished friend suffering an agonising death at the hands of someone else. Ironically, we see that as one friendship ends, another one blossoms as George walks off with Slim. The theme of Friendship runs through the entire novel and even beyond with the new friendship formed between George and Slim – although it can’t possibly replace his friendship with Lennie. For the ‘American dream’, it also follows a path, which changes as it unfolds. We first learn of it during the first scene where we are introduced to George and Lennie when, after George has just shouted at Lennie, Lennie tries to win him back over by telling George to tell â€Å"how it’s gonna be†. We are surprised that what could be labelled as two ‘oddballs’ (one is like a giant, the other like a mouse) are unified by something so simple. From then on, the dream takes a backseat until it reappears when Lennie and George are telling it again and Candy overhears them. As mentioned earlier, the dream has an infectiousness aura about it and this is what has drawn Candy to it, the fact that you can have your own independence and avoid taking orders from a boss. It is at this point in the novel that Lennie and George (with Candy’s input) are the closest they’ll ever be to actually seeing this ‘dream’ of theirs become a reality. Later, Crooks also falls victim to this idea of independence and freedom such is its ability to attract people towards it. Unfortunately though, at the end of the scene, he withdraws because of the verbal attack on him by Curly’s wife. Curley’s wife reminds Crooks that he is black and black people in those days were oppressed, resulting in even the simplest aspirations of a person not being realistic. Another point about the dream is how it’s earned Lennie the tag of being stupid. For example, in conversations with Crooks and Curley’s wife, he says things about the rabbits he will soon be able to tend and how he shouldn’t do wrong or he won’t be able to tend them. He is so obsessed with this idea that its all he talks about to others and this has lead both Crooks and Curley’s wife to calling him crazy because they don’t know what he’s talking about and this is a factor as to why he is considered slow, not just because of his intellectual inability but also because of the things he says not following the thread of conversation. Lastly, in the final scene, Candy asks George if the dream is off after they find Curley’s wife’s body but he doesn’t respond. In any case, when he meets up with Lennie, Lennie requests that George tell the dream again one last time. George obliges and then shoots Lennie during it, signalling the end of the dream they once shared. The theme of the ‘American Dream’, like that of Friendship, is introduced almost from the beginning and runs right through till the end but doesn’t extend beyond however as it’s been given a conclusion. The two themes chosen are interconnected very closely: The complications of George and Lennie’s friendship got in the way of them realising their â€Å"dream†. The friendship and dream got in the way of each other spelling disaster for both. For example, Lennie being killed (friendship) and the dream not seeing the light of day (‘American Dream’). This point also links with the meaning of the title of the novel.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Richard Roepers Response to the Dove ad Campaign Essay

Richard Roepers Response to the Dove ad Campaign - Essay Example By using the real woman rather than the slim and shaped woman, in the advertisement was a different dimension of beauty in the real woman. The traditional believe about a beautiful woman is one who is slim and has a figure and those who are different are regarded as ugly, plump or unattractive. Richard Roeper, a famous columnist, developed a criticism of the Dove ad Campaign and suggested that the whole issue was a bad and a dishonest and hypocritical idea. This essay supports the idea of Roeper that the Dove ad Campaign was unsettling and unsubstantiated. The Dove ad campaign was launched little after a research that showed that only 4% of women were bold enough to regard themselves as beautiful in public. The low percentage shows that women have developed an inferior regard of themselves and that this has undermined their public confidence. The launch of this new image of a beautiful woman was aimed at bringing about a new image of the women as part of the responsibility of the med ia to model the beliefs of the society. From this point of view, this campaign was part of the media’s effort to change the idea of the people concerning the beauty of a woman. In this campaign, Unilever printed the images of the average woman and defined this as beauty, images that most men regarded as rather plump and shapeless (Tavris 209-241).

Sunday, July 28, 2019

ORGANISATION AND BEHAVIOUR PART 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

ORGANISATION AND BEHAVIOUR PART 2 - Essay Example 2. Condition existing outside the company- This factor mainly includes the environment & surrounding conditions that cause problem to the employees which includes housing problem, poor transport facilities, lack of recreational facilities, hazardous climatic conditions, & wrongly designed labor markets. 3. Personal problems of the employees- These issues are related to the personal life of the employees which includes sickness, accident, family issues, & ceremonies. If we analyze closely, we will find that the problems currently faced by the Bellingham Bakery started developing soon after the acquisition of Waterfields Company. Staff turnover increased at a greater rate especially in the Waterfields outlet. The management was seriously concerned when they found that some trainees left the company even before completion of their training period. After getting an idea on the probable causes of employee turnover & absenteeism, we can conclude that the employees at Bellingham Bakery were majorly affected by the acquisition step. The Waterfields outlets included mostly traditional machineries. These machineries were replaced & modern mass production equipments were introduced. Attention was specified on the extensive training & development of the staff on the procedures for using these machineries. Also most of the Waterfields managers left the firm after the acquisition & those positions were filled up by the Bellingham staff. These details help us to narrow down the possible causes for the rising problems of the organization. Firstly, the acquisition effected in a cultural & organizational change & therefore a difference between the 15 Waterfields outlets & the other Bellingham branches started taking shape. Secondly, the mass production system as a whole is a monotonous process which requires employees to perform same task repetitively. Thirdly, the new machines introduced proved to be a barrier to the efficiency of the staff who previously used to be the employe e of the Waterfields. Fourthly, training procedures might prove to be a failure if the need for training & the employee’s capacity to learn it is not assessed carefully. Fifthly, only in-house training might prove to be inadequate for the employees to learn about the distribution process. Sixthly, lack of incentive or reward program for good performance & a performance appraisal structure is missing in the firm. Seventhly, the ‘Family Feel’ which prevailed in the structure of Waterfields disappeared from the structure of Bellingham. Finally, longer training period might act as a tool for preventing the employees to achieve a higher designation in spite of having the required efficiency. As per the absenteeism & employee turnover causes discussed above, it follows that the conditions that exist within the company can be solved with various strategies implemented within the management structure. However the external conditions & personal factors are not within the organization’s control. The best thing that can be done is to provide an efficient Employee Assistance Program to know about the grievances of the employees that are causing disturbance in their life hence compelling them to leave their job or take frequent leaves. Question 2 Most of the

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Poetry Explication of The Silence of Women Essay

Poetry Explication of The Silence of Women - Essay Example She lashes out at men, not with any emotional remarks, but in a humorous way. She says that men get mellowed as they grow in age, or as they grow older, but women are diametrically opposite in nature. They give vent to their suppressed emotions through instinctive outbursts. According to the poet, women become emotional as they grow in age, for the simple reason that they have been submissive to men over the years. They never got any upper hand at home or at their work place, during their prime period. So, at a later stage, they express their subdued feelings by shouting out at their husbands. This helps them overcome their disappointment or unfulfilled ambitions. The poet feels sorry for those husbands or men who surrender to their wife’s irritation. It is obviously ironic on the part of men to be docile to their wife’s remarks, as they were once intolerant and impatient with their women. She cites examples of husbands being drawn to malls by their wives, or being ordered about in public places. Expressions like â€Å"hauled† â€Å"sit there! and don’t you move!† bear expression to the (excess) freedom of expression enjoyed by women at a later stage. The poet is not a feminist totally, but, through the poem, she wants to drive home the idea that women despite their love for their husbands all through their life, try to dominate them when they become weak in health or mind. The poem picturises the emotional drama of a woman, who loves her husband, but fails to be polite to him. The poet, being a woman, knows very well that woman never enjoyed equal status with men, right from their childhood days. This is the sole reason for women being antipathetic to their male counter parts, and it grows as they (women) grow in age. Fortunately or unfortunately, men tend to be more dependent on their wives as they grow old and get weak. It is purely psychological on the part of the poet to use the

The Reaction of Faculty Staff to Resident`s Feedback on Their Teaching Essay

The Reaction of Faculty Staff to Resident`s Feedback on Their Teaching Performance - Essay Example The abstract is well drafted, and it has outlined the methods used and the main findings. The research would have more information present the research problem clearly. It is not clear from the abstract where the research problem. It has stated the aim of the research paper which is to increase understanding on how the reaction of faculty staff to resident`s feedback on their teaching performance. It would be in helping to include a recommendation in this paper in order to know the next step of action. The paper presents two research objectives that are later structured into research questions. The research objectives that were structured by research questions are: how the faculty staff proceeds on receiving feedback and the factors that influence on their progression (Van der Leeuw 2011, p.2). The objectives seem to look at the progress after the feedback. The aim was to increase understanding in the reaction to feedback. The objectives should be in line with the objective of the study. The inclusion of an objective that explores more on how the nature of the feedback makes the faculty react would help create more insight. The research questions give the direction to be followed during the research process. The research problem is clearly stated, and it gives the rationale for the study, then there is a reliable system in place that provides feedback. The issue is responsiveness of the faculty staff to the feedback. This agrees with the work of Steinert et al. (2006, p. 498) that stated that the change in teaching behaviors after feedback was not frequently researched on. The literature is up to date as most of the references were recently giving information of the recent advances.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Project Proposal Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Project Proposal - Research Paper Example In the view that campaigning increases the chances of success, it follows that the larger the campaign budget, the more chances of winning. For example, president Obama used more than twice the amount used in the McCain campaign (Gardiner, 2010). There are other examples that demonstrate the relationship between campaign budgets and chances of success. Ideally, campaigning follows the same principles as advertisement. The more popular brands enjoy more exposure. In the private sector, advertisements have such a significant influence on consumers that it sometimes results in monopolies (Gardiner, 2010). People choose the popular brand, despite the availability of better brands, in terms of performance, at a cheaper price. In the same way, a case can be made for extensive campaigns influencing the decision of American citizens. Therefore, it follows that the more access to cash, coming from corporate, the better and the chances of winning. To reduce the impact of funding on candidates, the Supreme Court directed that all donations by corporate be made to political parties. The principle behind this provision was that the limited power of the donations on the presidential candidates would limit the power of the donators on him or her(Torole, 2010). However, Tarole proposes that this not be possible. A candidate is bound to know the supporters of their campaign and thus feel an element of debt towards them (Bebchuk & Jackson, 2010). c. Corporate are the biggest financial entities and they have access to virtually unlimited funds. This implies that if the relationship between campaign and success is linear, then corporate have the ability to instill presidents in

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Questionnaire Survey Method for Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Questionnaire Survey Method for Research - Essay Example There are various methods of research available including statistical analysis, simulations, observations, interviews, action oriented research, case study based research etc. Depending upon the field of research, the major approaches to research methodology differs and research in social science fields rely mainly on qualitative and quantitative research. In conducting qualitative or quantitative research, various research tools are utilised and questionnaires remain a key component in survey based research activities. Motives behind initiating a qualitative research is mainly to uncover or establish a basic understanding, knowledge or a hypothesis pertaining to a certain issue. Such research often lays the foundation for further research of quantitative nature, which can establish the validity of new knowledge generated through the qualitative research. Qualitative research differs from quantitative research on grounds of what is being researched of. â€Å"Qualitative research involves the collection of data about attitudes, beliefs and intensions† (Hall et al 2004). The objective of qualitative research is to unearth in-depth knowledge of reasons, which drives the human behavior while quantitative research on the other hand is concerned of data that can be measured. While there are numerous means of conducting qualitative research, methods such as focus groups, surveys through application of unstructured or semi structured questionnaires as well as participant observations (Wolcott 1995). Surveys remain one of the major forms of research and the most widely used where quantitative research is concerned. â€Å"Survey research is the method of gathering data from respondents thought to be representative of some population, using an instrument composed of closed structure or open-ended questions† (Survey Research 2006). Nature of survey research allows effective and efficient data gathering from a large population and thus

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Information Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Information Systems - Essay Example The payroll information system will have information on the name, monthly salaries and hourly rates of employees. Hourly rates will also be required to facilitate the payment of overtime wages. Additional information such as location, department, employee identification number, and the date of employment would also be added to the system. This system would be updated with information received from the human resources department relating to recruitment of staff at Recruit 4 U three locations as well as separation of staff due to retirement, resignation, redundancies and involuntary termination. The payroll system would be set up to calculate taxes for each employee and would be paid over to the government on their behalf. At the end of each pay period the necessary information would be collected from various locations and this along with the information from head office will be used to run the payroll. Pay slips will be generated for each employee, indicating their gross pay, deductio ns – statutory and otherwise, and their net pay at the end of each pay period. Cheques consisting of the net pay would either be drawn for each employee or sent to their respective bank accounts if feasible. Additionally, a cheque would be drawn for the government in relation to total tax deducted from the employees pay for the period. The relevant entry from this module of the accounting information system would be used to make an entry into the financial accounts of Recruit 4 U.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Organizational Behavior Principles Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Organizational Behavior Principles - Assignment Example The need for the division of work, narrow definitions of assigned duties and responsibilities, established rules, procedures and methods of work, can result in resistance to change (Dalziel, Schoonover, 1988). 2. If management employs formal communication, the selective perception of employees can become the main cause of resistance to change. It can lead to a biased view of a particular situation, which fits most comfortably into a person's own perception of reality, and can cause resistance to change. 3. Threats to power come from linear organization structure. Change may be seen as a threat to the power or influence of certain groups within the organization, such as their control over decisions, resources or information. For example, managers may resist the introduction of quality circles or worker-directors because they see this as increasing the role and influence of non-managerial staff, and a threat to the power in their own positions. Where a group of people has, over a period of time, established what they perceive as their 'territorial rights' they are likely to resist change. 4. Fear of changes in economic implications is typical for all types of organizations with informal communication patterns. People are likely to resist change which is perceived as reducing either directly or indirectly their pay or other rewards, requiring an increase in work for the same level of pay or acting as a threat to their job security. People tend to have established patterns of working and a vested interest in maintaining the status quo 5. Inconvenience or possible loss of freedom comes from matrix organizations and functional organizations grouping by task (each group does something different). If the change is seen as likely to prove inconvenient, make life more difficult, reduce freedom of action or result in increased control, there will be resistance. 6. In divisional organizations grouping by product and customer (each group does the same task but for different product and customer), the main cause of resistance to change is a habit. People tend to respond to situations in an established and accustomed manner. Habits may serve as a means of comfort and security, and as a guide for easy decision making (Dalziel, Schoonover, 1988). 7. Also, if there is a diverse workforce, there is a fear of redundancy and lower pay for old employees. There is a tendency for some people to find a sense of security in the past. In times of frustration or difficulty, or when faced with new or unfamiliar ideas or methods, people may reflect on the past.  

Monday, July 22, 2019

A Passage to India by Forster Essay Example for Free

A Passage to India by Forster Essay By close analysis of the structure and language of chapter one discuss how Forster expresses his overall concerns within the novel as a whole via this initial description of the Indian landscape. Through chapter one of A Passage to India Forster does far more than introduce the small town of Chandrapore. In this initial section of the novel the construction of the text reflects the tiered Indian society that becomes the basis for Forsters deeper exploration of mankind and human behaviour. In addition, the ominous significance of the Marabar Caves within the novel is prefigured via the mysterious imagery used to describe them. This is contrasted by the more optimistic language which is used to describe the overarching sky that unifies all men and points towards a hope for the future of peaceful co-existence. At the beginning of the chapter the reader is first introduced to the Muslim aspect of Chandrapore, the lowest tier of the Indian society but perhaps the most resilient. Here what Adela will later refer to as the Real India is depicted. Through vivid imagery the area appears akin to a wasteland devoid of any significance. Even the holy river Ganges is described as Trailing for a couple of milesscarcely distinguishable from the rubbish it deposits so freely. It is negative language such as this that creates a compounding sense of desolation about the Real India. This of course is entirely necessary in order for Forster to create and convey the contrast between the Indian and English cultures which he believes to be incompatible in this context. Graphic and harsh language permeates the whole of this first section of the chapter creating a highly effective image of the squalor in which the Mohammedan Indians are condemned to live by their English rulers. The streets are Mean the Temples ineffective and the Filth of alleyways deters all but the invited guest. By describing their quarter in such a way Forster makes the Muslim Indian seem almost sub-human to his readers, this of course, is how they are viewed by the English. They are remarked upon as Low but also as Indestructible. Despite their apparent lack of sophistication, the way in which, The general outline of the town persists comes to reflect the similar way in which the Muslim culture, although suppressed by the English, is based upon strong foundations of religious devotion and an inextinguishable spirit. Forster describes them as Swelling hereshrinking there and by doing so creates a very evocative image which captures perfectly the way in which the Indian race move en-mass and in harmony, united in their angst to recapture their homeland. As Forster remarks, Inland the prospect alters and the Eurasian, Anglo-India described in the second section of the passage could not present a more stark contrast to that of Islamic Chandrapore. Here the houses belonging to the Eurasians Stand on high ground an important symbol which reflects the way in which the English believe themselves to be above the Indian race both morally and intellectually. It is this attitude of ignorance and racial superiority which will be developed and scathingly criticised by Forster as the novel progresses. Indeed it could be argued that humanitys unwillingness to understand one another is the underlying theme behind the whole text and that in reality Adela and Mrs. Moores passage to India is in fact a deeper analogy for a more complex passage of mankind towards understanding itself. On a second rise of land lies the Little civil station. As the focal point for Eurasian society it is remarked that, From hereChandrapore appears to be a totally different place. This observation encapsulates the way in which the station and its social club both seem to be isolated from the rest of India. Immersed in a fantasy world of British high society the station itself is described as, Provoking no emotion and Sensibly planned. This epitomises the logical mindset of the English, which deeply contrasts that of the spiritual Indian and highlights how even at a simple level of human understanding harmony is not possible between the two cultures creating the Muddle which is colonial India. Britains attitude of imposing herself upon other nations, typical of this time period before partition, is something heavily attacked by Forster. Throughout the text he is seen to criticise England replicated in India because to him this is unnatural and false. During the entirety of this second section of the passage Forster adopts a tone of negativity towards the English. Their section of Chandrapore is described as, Sharing nothing with the rest of the city except the overarching sky conveying the way in which they consciously isolate themselves from the Indians. In the overall context of the novel this image becomes very important. As gradually relations between the two races come to deteriorate the sky comes to be the only unifying element between Indian and Englishman. Further more, the way in which the image is echoed throughout the text seems to suggest the existence of a more powerful presence beyond man both physically and in terms of significance within the universe. It is Forsters belief that ultimately the petty quarrels of man are meaningless in such a vast entity. The final section of the chapter is used by Forster to expand on the concept of the overarching sky. It is described as having a Persistent blue core the stars Hanging like lamps from the immense vault which is the sky and it is elevated imagery such as this which comes to symbolise a hope for the future of mankind. In contrast to the muddle and misunderstanding which covers India and the rest of the earth, the sky instead represents an element which unifies all men. Its persistence represents a hope that one day all the problems of man explored within the novel will pale into insignificance. It could be argued the description of the sky evokes an atmosphere akin to that of the Hindu religion. Forster remarks, The sky settles everything and indeed to Godbole and his fellow Hindus this is to a certain degree true. The unanswerable questions, the answers to which are sought by both Muslim and Christian are left to be pondered by Godbole. He seeks to answer questions about his own spiritual existence and the natural world around him. As a result his passage within the novel becomes one of progression as opposed one to of retreat as is experienced by Aziz and Fielding. The Chapter ends with a final short image of the mysterious Marabar caves. All around League after league the earth lies flat, yet in the south, A group of fists and fingers are thrust up through the soil. These fingers are the Marabar hills and seem to point mysteriously towards the heavens above. The way in which they seem to separate themselves from their earthly surroundings suggests an equally unearthly presence about them. This of course will be proved true by the supernatural and inexplicable violation which Adela experiences within their walls. Dark and devoid of humanity they represent an aspect of India that the logical English will never be able to conquer. Therefore it is possible to conclude that the first Chapter of A Passage to India can be regarded as a template for the novel as a whole. Almost all of Forsters overall concerns are indicated by its content and it is clear that the varied description of the Indian landscape comes to symbolise differences between those who inhabit the land. This disjointed construction of society will only increase as the novel progresses ultimately leading to the personal retreat of the novels two main characters, Aziz and Fielding whom are unable to stand out as individuals and trapped within the confines of their own cultures. It will be only the deeply spiritual Godbole who is shown to have made any real progress via his own Passage to India and of course Mrs. Moore, who despite her death becomes a symbol for hope by the way in which she is revered as a Hindu Goddess. Bibliography A Passage to India E.M. Forster Classic notes

Crucible- Abigail Williams Essay Example for Free

Crucible- Abigail Williams Essay Due to our nature, the human race will do astonishing things in the name of love and fear. Abigail Williams in â€Å"The Crucible† is a fantastic example of this. Not only are her actions absurd to try and gain John Proctor’s whole hearted affection, who was her lover, but also to gain submission of an ample portion of Salem due to fear. A large part of the submissiveness was gained by her ability to manipulate others, especially those she knows well. She starts the fire of hatred, for witches and the townspeople, within Salem. The fuel was already there; all that was needed was the last spark to get the flame going. Abigail was this spark, created by her insatiable lust for John Proctor. She instigated the witch trials, and used the produced hysteria in an attempt at personal gain, using a step by step plan. This plan developed through the play, feeding Abigail’s ambition and power. Step 1. Manipulate the town’s girls into doing witchcraft in the woods. Abigail convinced some of the teenage girls in Salem to join her in the woods. Being unmarried teenage women in this time period, they had little to do, minimal social status, and undoubtedly yearned for adventure. There were only two people lower than them in status, and that would be Abigail and Tituba because Abigail was an orphan, and Tituba a black slave. She convinced Tituba, to sing songs from Barbados about witchcraft. Abby then persuaded Ruth Putnam to believe that Tituba would be able to conjure up the spirits of her dead siblings. If it worked then she could bring to light the mystery behind all of her dead siblings. In getting others to do it with her, she will not be the only one to be punished, therefore spreading the blame across many, and if caught the blame could be transferred to the one with the least status, the slave- relieving Abby of punishment. Step 2. Drink a potion to acquire John. While in the woods Abigail drank a charm in an attempt to kill Mrs. Proctor, which in her eyes is the only person between her and John. â€Å"You drank blood, Abby! You didn’t tell him that!† (Betty, A.1, p.1244). This quote begins to give the reader an idea of what Abigail will do to gain Proctor. It would take quite a drive for someone to willingly drink blood, and in drinking it, wish death upon another person. This was a very Puritan society, and all of her actions would be looked down upon by the townspeople. First she entered the forest (the place of the Devil), then she danced (unacceptable for women of that age), then she drank a charm of blood (not accepted by society), and lastly in drinking that charm she is wishing ill upon her ‘neighbor’ which is going against one of the Commandments. The Bible was the law at the time, and going against its foundation was disgraceful. Step 3. When discovered, blame Tituba. When Abigail is being questioned by Parris, the day after being caught, about the girls’ doings in the woods, she gives away little. She reveals â€Å"We did dance, uncle, and when you leaped out of the bush so suddenly, Betty was frightened and then she fainted. And there’s the whole of it.†(Abigail, A.1, p.1238). This sentence shows an insight to Abby’s manipulative power over Parris. Fainting from fright from being caught by her father doing an illegal activity could be an explanation for Betty’s inactivity. Abigail admits to what he saw, but makes it hard for him to push the question further when she says the finalized statement ‘there’s the whole of it’. The affirmation also denies any other doings, saying the girls are innocent. Parris then grasps at another chance to question Abby, this time about possible rumors of her in the town. She skillfully maneuvers around the interrogation, and then is saved by the entrance of Mrs . Putnam. Goody Putnam reveals her and her daughter (Ruth)’s desires to figure out what caused her children to die in infancy. Step 4. Exploit Tituba’s weaknesses, while hiding behind lies. When questioned Abigail turns the accusation to Tituba saying she was alone in conjuring the spirits of Ruth’s siblings. This brings the pressure off of Abigail and onto two other people. She can then sink into the background, becoming invisible while Parris and Hale interrogate Tituba. Tituba is the unhappy slave, with witchery songs, low status, and desiring to be free and return home. Due to this, Parris and Hale break Tituba down till she admits to contracting with the devil. In a frenzy to bring pressure off herself and avoid hanging, Tituba then goes on to state names of women in the community. Sarah Good and Goody Osburn are first. Then Abigail stands up from the shadows seizing the chance of being able to accuse people and bring the attention to her in a positive way by saying â€Å"I want the light of God, I want the sweet love of Jesus! I dance for the Devil; I saw him; I wrote in his book; I go back to Jesus; I kiss His hand. I saw Sarah Good with the Devil! I saw Goody Osburn with the Devil! I saw Bridget Bishop with the Devil!† (Abigail, A.1, p.1263). These exclamations go against what she has previously sworn, yet no one seems to notice anything besides her confession and the names she says. Abby repeated the names Tituba already said, along with another, therefore strengthening the accusations while playing on the slave’s incompetence of missing one of the people, which strengthens her own position. Step 5. Use newfound status to demolish those who oppose her. Since there are so many people being accused, the town gets an aura of being unsafe and corrupt by the Devil. This causes the accused to accuse others, from old rivalries and suddenly having a chance to comeback, or from being interrogated till they give up names, multiplying the numbers, while they also believe the accusations out of fear. Fear of being accused, of being witched, or of getting hung for disbelieving the court and the Bible. In Act II sixteen people had warrants sent out for their capture. Abigail continuously accuses people who confess, adding to her credibility. She also has fainting incidents, trances, and other public displays which she credits to others using demonic powers on her, sending the message that she is an innocent orphan being harmed by the Devil because she is standing against him. This helps her gain pity, and brings more citizens to her side. An example is when Mary Warren tries to testify against Abigail, Mercy, and Susanna. The girls exclaim that Mary has sent her spirit out in a wind to make them cold. This is proven by their exclamations. Mercy: â€Å"Mary, do you send this shadow on me?† Susanna: â€Å"I freeze, I freeze!† Abigail: â€Å"It is a wind, a wind!† Danforth: â€Å"Mary Warren, do you witch her? I say to you, do you send your spirit out?†(A.3, p.1307) Danforth’s question seems to state what the other girls were implying. This goes to show what some acting can bring upon a girl and a town. By faking a wind, the girls make Mary’s testament against them invalid, therefore increasing Abigail’s power within the court, and getting rid of another challenger. Step 6. Secure Goody Proctor as a witch using credibility established within the court. After accusing Elizabeth in Act 2 because of alleged use of poppets, Abigail has to make sure there is no way out for her. When this is done and she is hung she can finally have her love, John Proctor. The townspeople generally ignore evidence and support her claims of witchery, most likely out of fear of her power. John Proctor is one of the few willing to stand against her. After many attempts, all of which failed, John resorts to drastic measures. He admits to committing adultery. â€Å"I have made a bell of my honor! I have rung the doom of my good name- you will believe me, Mr. Danforth! My wife is innocent, except she knew a whore when she saw one!†(Proctor, A.3, p.1309) In this statement, Proctor not only admits to adultery, and tries to protect his wife; he also calls Abigail a harlot. Abigail is astounded by his reveal, and undoubtedly worked up by his language towards her. This is the point where Abby seems to realize that Proctor does not love her and that she won’t ever be with him, even if Elizabeth dies. Her plan has failed, and everything she has done was for nothing. Her astonishment turns to resentment, for she then makes no attempt to same John when he is sentenced to hang. Her only thoughts now seem to be of self preservation. She was the ring leader of the witch trials, and with them coming to the end, and no chance of being with John, her power will soon be gone. She steals her uncle’s savings then flees the city. She lost a love she never truly had, and in the process left behind a broken, manipulated town. Love and fear are two of the most influential emotions, and in â€Å"The Crucible† both are experienced firsthand through Abigail. The author, Arthur Miller, uses this to his advantage making the play and characters relatable to the audience. These universal themes are relevant at all times in history which is why the play is still shown to this day. Abigail is not only a great example of those traits, but also reflects a maniacal manipulator existing in many societies. This along with other traits makes her the most important character to the play, along with the witch trials which she helped instigate for personal gain. It’s amazing what a teenage girl in a small town can do with a few words and manipulation.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Analysis Of Wagyu Beef In Australia Economics Essay

Analysis Of Wagyu Beef In Australia Economics Essay This paper presents the strategic adviser specializing internationalization recommendation to company which pursue to grow their businesses overseas. First of all, this paper explains the business problem of this case that is the basis of expanding the business to the global market. Second, analyze the Wagyu beef with the consumer behavior in the US. And then present the policy and legalization in the US for Australian exporter. Next section is the basis and information of the ABC Company that needs to expand the business to the US. After that, the table presents the trend of value in the US and trend of import beef to the US. Moreover, this paper confirms the channel to expand the product, SWOT analysis, and PESTEL Framework. Lastly, this paper illustrates the approaches that can expand the product to international market. Introduction Nowadays, the beef market in Australia is limited because there are over suppliers in the market. Australia is the second largest farming to produce beef in the world, therefore many companies in Australia try to expand market share to international market. The US market is interested to export the product. There are three principle reasons to attract the exporter such as the number of people in the market, customer behavior and the culture and tradition. However, many companies get the failure from global business because they have the shortage knowledge in the cross culture and customer behavior. This paper analyzes the environment to expand the business to the US. The Business Problem ABC Company is the company that produces Wagyu, which is the premium beef. Australian beef market is growing to be the largest agriculture in 2009. Information from Australian Natural Resources Atlas confirms that Australia use the space to make the cattle farm approximately 220 million hectares that is the most area to spent in the agriculture industry. Therefore there are over suppliers in Australia. People in the country have many choices to choose beef in the domestic market. Moreover, beef market in Australia has the high competitive, so many cattle farmers try to find the markets that still have the power to purchase product. However, the companies have the good relationship with the customers because the companies produce the quality of product in order to make the loyalty of customers and repeat to purchase product with the companies. Market in the Australia has over suppliers and the limit customers, therefore the companies need to expand its product to the US that the large st market to consume beef. The beef market in the US is increasing to consume beef and the largest market in the world. Furthermore, most of people in the US eat beef that is the main food, so the number of beef is the second of all kind of meat. Indeed, the companies have more power to produce Wagyu beef, but the requirement in Australia has the limit because there are number of people in Australia approximately 22 million people that less than the US about 290 million people. The companies can expand the product in 10 times of the people in the domestic market. The companies should learn about the culture, legalization, behavior of the consumers, environment and more. Before the companies invest to expand business to there. However, this is the opportunity to extend the product to the large country.The US is the worlds richest market and Australias second biggest export purpose with a nine per cent share of Australias export market. The US is Australias only biggest market and ass et partner. Australia is the 14th biggest export endpoint for the US and the eighth biggest foreign investor in the USA. Analysis Wagyu Beef in Australia Wagyu or Kobe beef is the famous beef in the Japan. Wagyu has the good feather such as inherent marbling ability, softer fats enhancing meat flavor, high nutrition, finer meat texture, back fat not excessive.The beef industries produce and develop beef products for domestic and export markets especially the US market. Australia is one of the biggest exporters of beef in the world, trade that is very appreciated to its economy.Beef cattle production is extentthrough the country, and carried out under sodifferentsituations. While beef is a top farming export earner, there is increasing interest in other meat product such as pork, game such as deer, goat and buffalo (Australian Government, 2009). For Australian beef is guaranteed the quality by customers in Japan that the original country to produce Wagyu beef. Australia Wagyu Association is the organization that improves the quality of Wagyu beef to the global standard. Likewise, this organazation gives the knowledge to the farmers tha t the factor to produce the quality product. The good quality beef will get the good feed in all of their life. The food of them is the importance factor to build the good health for them and create the strong point to the product from Australia. Many countries accept the product from Australia USA business and economy and trade policy and custom regulation Kidane (2003) mentions that the United States is frequently established as one of the leader of destinations for foreign direct investment. Unquestionably, the legalization systems strengths point contributes to this case. The United States is the first country partial self-government on the base of morals. The legalization system in the US contains of three measures: executive, legislative, and judicial. It has been showed essentially that this construction can guarantee the legalization systems effective process. Some of characteristic features should be disturbed by the global investors. Anevaluation from the World Bank difficult 181 countries shows the United States ranks third for luxury of doing business overall, first with esteem to employing workers, and sixth in terms of enforcing contracts. In addition, the high quality of the U.S. legalization system overall is protected by the open investment policy, which is based on the standard of national management specifically, that international investors should not be preserved differently from domestic investors. Although no system is impeccable in all esteems, the United States is justifiably satisfied of the overall high quality of its legalization system and the level of international investment subject to its protection. Basic customer profile There are many kinds of consumer behaviors because the people in the US come from several countries. They have the difference ages, genders, races, regions, and incomes. Moreover, income levels in totally difference in the social that the factor to define the customer level in the company market. The target of ABC Company is the high income because the Wagyu beef has the high price and high quality. In terms of age and gender, there are the difference kinds of beef to eat as the number of consuming consist of male teenager had over 50 pounds per person in the ground beef. Moreover, there are the men ages between 20 and 39 old having about 30.35 pounds love to eat stake beef. Overall in female eat beef approximately 56.23 pounds per person. In stake category, there were only 3.96 pounds per person that means the female do not prefer to eat stake. The conclusion of statistic with the people in the US is the men love to eat beef more than the female approximately two times of total beef in the US market. On the part of geographic and income, residents of the Midwest expended the highest beef of any section, consuming at 72.92 pounds per capita. In the other word, American in the Northeast had the least beef, only 62.53 pounds per person (, 2009). Value of U.S. beef industry statistics for last five years in The US Year Value of U.S. beef industry 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 $70 billion $71 billion $71 billion $74 billion $76 billion Year U.S. cattle imports 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 1.371 million head 1.816 million head 2.289 million head 2.495 million head 2.284 million head Follow this table (United Department of agriculture, 2009) there was a continue increasing in the consumer beef in the US. Then, the customers has expanded in this country, ABC Company can the import the product to support the needs in this market by using the appropriate strategy to present the product. In the part of quality, the company has the strength point to compete because the company develops and control cattle farm follow the law of Australia that guarantees the quality from the customer around the world. Moreover, the company has many experiences to make the business success in the Australia. In the other hands, the company does not have the experience in global market that has difference culture and customer behaviors. Firstly, the farmers in the US have the efficiency to produce the beef. Furthermore, they do not have the tariffs about the policy and legal system. The government supports the farmers in the country. However, ABC Company still has the premium product that has the niche market that is people love the premium beef for good healthy. Second, beef from Japan is the original country for Wagyu beef or Kobe beef. However, Japan has the limited areas to produce the product. Therefore, Most of Wagyu beef is imported from Australia because the quality of beef is quit same with beef in Japan. This point is the strong point to guarantee the beef that produce in Australia. Marketing and distribution channel to reach customers ABC Company should find the company that is the premium restaurant to make a joint venture. Joint venture means a prescribed contract joining together two or more groups for the objective of performing a specific business task. All of the groups accept to share in the benefit and damages of the enterprise (, 2009).This approach will help the company to distribute its product in the US. Moreover, joint venture is short term strategy in order to open the new market. First time in other market has high risk about the culture, and consumer behaviors. This way, the company reduces risk because the partner company has the knowledge and experience in this market. ABC Company should make the presentation only part of product and the belief to the target groups. Besides the partner company has the channel to distribute the products; therefore the company just adds the capacity to distribute the product and the ways to keep the quality of product to the customers. SWOT analysis Strengths Firstly the research to develop the quality of product is the Australian Natural Resources Atlas. From the research, Wagyu beef which produce in Australia is accepted in the several countries and push Australia to be the second exporter in the world. Secondly, Wagyu beef that produce in Australia has the good quality for healthy because the fat in beef is softer fats enhancing meat flavor, high nutrition, finer meat texture, back fat not excessive. It is the best beef quality and reduces the risk of fat excessive. Lastly, ABC Company has long term experience in domestic market; hence the company has the knowledge in requirement of product and the standard of quality. Weakness First, ABC Company does not have the experience in the US market that has the difference customer behaviors from Australia. Moreover, the culture in purchasing, distribution is totally difference from Australia. No one knows the ABC brand that popular in Australia; the company has to make the advertising to present the product to the customer in the US. Then geographic factor, the company has the import cost that add in the product. Besides, when the company has the problems in the other country, it cannot solve the problem immediately because of geographic concern. Opportunity The US is the largest market to consume beef; there is the number of people more than people in Australia approximately 290 million people or 10 times of Australian people. And the import policy for Australia exports product not too much conditions. The US beef market continues grow for the exporter. The customer in US considers the quality of beef in the first priority and concern about the customer healthy. Wagyu can response in the healthy topics of the customer behavior. Threats The domestic farmers are growing to compete with the exporter. The number of local farmer is increasing from supporting of government. In the part of price, the price of beef in the local is lower than the beef from Australia. That factor makes the weak point to Australian exporter. However, the target group of the company is the groups that love the high quality beef, so the price is not the main factor to make a decision. PESTEL Framework Political in the US concentrate in the free trade market, so ABC Company can get the competitive advantage. From this point, the law does not prevent the foreign company to invest in the US. The readjustment of American global free trade agreement device has an important consequence on the development of world economic incorporation. Economic part, as the worlds largest trading nation, the United States of America is the worlds principal importer. In 2008, the total U.S. trade shortage was $695.9 billion, which contains $2.5 trillion in imports (Willis, 2009). The US has a growing number of agriculture imported products from Australia, who appears to increase more chances in trades between the US and Australia. Australian beef is one of the most competitive beef products in the world. Social, American had beef for a long time both of the Native American and the people in the city. Many restaurants have the beef that is the main thing in cooking such as hamburger that the popular food uses ground beef in the main category. In term of kind of beef, most of people love to eat the beef that soft with the marbling that has the red meat switch a bit fat. Wagyu beef or Kobe beef has the quality both meat and fat color and especially for taste. Technology, Australia Wagyu Association is established in order to reaction a real demand and need for quality figures that improves from the marbling bulgy in the Japanese heredities. As the result, the company uses the information to make the good quality product. Environmental, most of people in the US eat beef approximately 70 pounds per person. Also there was a rapid increasing in the percentage of importer beef to the US from 1.38 billion pounds to 2.64 billion pounds between 2007 and 2009. From this information, ABC Company has the occasion to extend the market to the US; there are many demands in this market and the power to chase the premium beef. Legal, the US tries to support the farmers in domestic. As the result, the price of beef in the US decreases, so the competitive advantage of the foreign producer is falling because the foreign farmer has transportation cost and custom cost. Conclusions and recommendations ABC Company needs to expand the product to the international market because of the over suppliers in the domestic market. Therefore, the US market that still has the power to purchase the product is the target for ABC Company. However, the company should have the quality of product to attract the customers. The price of product should be defined by comparing with the competitors in the market. Moreover, the strategy to distribute the product is the importance factor to keep the quality and make the difference from other rivals. Promotion is the factor to create the competitive advantage to the company. In the first period, the company should reduce the price and make the advertising to present the product in the market and find the target in the luxury restaurant and premium market.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

College Admissions Essays - A Photograph -- College Admissions Essays

College Admissions Essays - A Photograph Attach a small photograph (3.5 x 5 inches or smaller) of something important to you and explain its significance. At an age when my friends’ floors were strewn with toys, dirty clothes, or video-game cartridges, mine was smothered in paper of all sorts — books, magazines, reams of white and college-ruled, paper bags, paper airplanes. This pattern has survived, and it is representative of the way I live. The house of my life is built on a foundation of paper. Certainly this element is crucial in all our lives. From money to facial tissues to news to playing cards, paper is a vital organ of the body politic. And I, as a student, laden with schoolwork (and college application forms), should naturally expect to be particularly prone. But, for me, paper goes even beyond this role: Virtually all of my favorite activities are paper-based. I compose music, poetry, and prose. I do mathematics, with massive scratchwork as a by-product. I solve cryptic crosswords. Last year, I was involved in CX debate, which may be cynically but not inaccurately said to consist essentially of reading prepared pieces of paper in a strategically determined order. To me, paper is the natural medium for connecting the mind — whether in its imaginative, mechanical, or emotive capacity — with the physical world. Small wonder, than, that I find I express myself more effectively in writing than in speech, or that, on my habitual multiple-hour w alks, I often carry blank paper and pens to jot down any arbitrary thoughts that might seem worthy of retention. Even beyond this, my intimate relationship with paper extends to some unorthodox functions. I have developed a rudimentary sile... ...ell-checkers. And my dependence on paper embodies not only resourcefulness but thrift. I rarely buy new clothes; I use public transit (or walk), which appears especially frugal in light of today’s gasoline prices. Paper, being plentiful and inexpensive, fits into this scheme. Recently, I took this trait to a new height: whereas I previously sent paper to the recycle bin after depleting one side, I now make a conscious effort to use both sides of every sheet, thus saving on future purchases. Paper is the staple of my existence (no pun intended). From when I was six and spent my days filling pads with fantastical designs for houses, zoos, and factories, to the present, when I surround myself with sheets bearing drafts of essays on one side and systems of equations on the other, my life has been ruled by this ruled substance — simple, utile, and ubiquitous.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Prejudice and Racism Today :: Sociology Racism Prejudice Essays

"...Everybody jumped on him, beat the hell out of him... Everybody was hitting him or kicking him. One guy was kicking at his spine. Another guy hitting on the side of the face... He was unconscious. He was bleeding. Everybody had blood on their forearms. We ran back up the hill laughing... He should have died... He lost so much blood he turned white. He got what he deserved" (Ridgeway 167.) The skinheads who performed this random act of racial violence in 1990, had no reason to brutally beat their victim other than the fact that he was Mexican (Ridgeway 167). Racism is objectively defined as any practice of ethnic discrimination or segregation. Fortunately, racial violence is steadily declining as the turn of the century approaches. Now a new form of racism, covert racism, has recently sprung from the pressures of political correctness. This new form of racism, although slowly declining, still shows signs of strong support (Piazza 86). Covert racism assumes a form of civil disobedience against politically correct thought and speech. Essentially, covert racism is a "hidden" racism, or a racism not easily detected (Piazza 78). "Racism is still strongly prevalent in today's society" (Gudorf 3). The three different basic forms of racism, open racism, violent racism, and covert racism all express forms of hatred towards distinct ethnic groups (Bender 47). These basic forms of racism, although different in form, all have the same main purpose, to promote racism. Open racism expresses freedom of racial thought and speech. Open racists promote their views through strictly persuasionary tactics. This form of racism is allowed in our society because of the First Amendment. Open racism is currently almost nonexistent and steadily declining, because it is considered politically incorrect and socially unacceptable. Violent racism promotes racism through violence, fear, and persuasionary tactics (Leone 49) This form of racism is not protected by the First Amendment because it promotes violence to express its ideas. Unfortunately many violent racial groups claim they do not promote violence, and therefore these groups are protected by the First Amendment because not enough sufficient evidence exists to prove their violent intent (Ridgeway 123). Covert racism expresses ideas of racism in disguised forms; sometimes the covert racist is not even aware of the fact that he is racist. "Racism, it is asserted, is no longer blatant: people nowadays are reluctant to express openly their dislike of and contempt for minorities, indeed are not prepared to express publicly a sentiment that could be interpretted as racist. Racism, it is said, is subtle: it is disguised, kept out of sight" (Enrlich 73) "The

Fire and Water Imagery in Charlotte Brontes Jane Eyre Essay -- Jane E

Fire and Water Imagery in Jane Eyre   Ã‚  Ã‚   In Jane Eyre, the use of water and fire imagery is very much related to the character and/or mood of the protagonists (i.e. Jane and Rochester, and to a certain extent St. John Rivers) -- and it also serves to show Jane in a sort of intermediate position between the two men. However, it should also be noted that the characteristics attributed to fire and water have alternately positive and negative implications -- to cite an example among many, near the beginning of the novel, reference is made to the devastating effects of water ("ceaseless rain sweeping away wildly", "death-white realm" [i.e. of snow]), and fire is represented by a "terrible red glare"; later, fire is represented as being comforting in Miss Temple's room, and it is water that saves Rochester from the first fire. These literal associations with fire and water become increasingly symbolic, however, as the novel progresses, where the fire / water / (ice) imagery becomes a representation of the emotional a nd moral dialectic of the characters, and it also becomes increasingly evident that the positive and negative potentialities of fire and water also show the positive and negative potentialities of the characters whom they represent. Rochester is very much associated with fire, with the "strange fire[s] in his look", and particularly with his "flaming and flashing eyes". By extension, so is everything associated with him (i.e. his first wife and Thornfield). Jane's first reaction to Thornfield itself, destined to fall victim to fire, is to be "dazzled" by the "double illumination of fire and candle", just as she is later to be "dazzled" by the fire of Rochester himself. On one level, this "fire" is the Romantic fir... ... Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre. New York: Dodd, Mead & Company, 1991 David Lodge, Fire and Eyre: Charlotte Brontà «'s War of Earthly Elements Gates, Barbara Timm, ed. Critical Essays on Charlotte Bronte. Boston: G. K. Hall, 1990.    Jane Eyre. Dir. Franco Zeffirelli. Perf. William Hurt, Charlotte Gainsborough, and Anna Paquin. 1996    Kadish, Doris. The Literature of Images: Narrative Landscape from Julie to Jane Eyre. New Brunswick: Rutgers UP, 1986.    Lodge, Scott. "Fire and Eyre: Charlotte Bronte's War of Earthly Elements." The Brontes: A Collection of Critical Essays. Ed. Ian Gregor. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1970. 110-36.    McLaughlin, M.B. "Past or Future Mindscapes: Pictures in Jane Eyre." Victorian Newsletter 41 (1972): 22-24.    Solomon, Eric. "Jane Eyre: Fire and Water." College English 25 (1964): 215-217.   

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Causes of violence among the youths and young adults Essay

Our current society’s ever bringing up youths. In the most modern society, youths are viewed as tomorrow’s leaders. It’s the parents up-bringing formula that shall serve to make them or break them. As they grow up daily these young adults acquire behaviors that seemingly contribute much to their final being. These acts of behavior may either humble them or cause them to acquire a level of aggression that may be detrimental between them and their immediate environment within which they occupy. The concern at this point in time is to evaluate the major inducers of aggression in these youths. This paper shall establish the reasons why the youth and generally people engage in acts of aggression and acts of violence. Its along these lines that psychologist will seek to establish the reason(s) as to why some students in class behave differently as compared to others in the same class or study level. It shall investigate into the role played by social learning towards producing aggressive actions and behaviors among the youth people. It’s important that the immediate acquaintances of these youths get assisted in explaining the rationale for the said aggression. This shall help in understanding them incase they choose to behave in a way they sometimes do behave. A recent research, â€Å"(Godow KD & Sprafkin J. , Field experiments of television violence with children: evidence for an environmental hazard? Department of Psychiatry, State University of New York, Stony Brook 11794-8790. )†, establishes that youth violence and aggression arises from watching TV, but considering our society today, antagonism in youths goes beyond just watching TV. As a result, it’s the role of this paper to study the causes with the aim of filling this knowledge gap. Also, , this shall serve to empower the youths with the implications of indulging in cases of social maladjustments, and which they have to change as they grow up. Hypotheses: After study, this paper shall seek to prove three issues. That, one, does TV programs contribute towards arousing aggression in youths and young adults? Two, it shall investigate for a correlation the kind of friends young people make friends with along their social corridors that contribute towards building aggression in the society. Despite friends, are there some other factors contributing to the whole idea of aggression and acts of violence amongst the youths? Methodology: In carrying out this research, both qualitative and quantitative methods shall be used. Basic measurements and or instruments shall be employed, including surveys, interviews, use of focus groups and observations. In surveys and focus groups, standard numbers of respondents ought to be used with the aim of reducing discrepancies in the data collected. Interviews on the other side will be run through acquiring information from key informants about the cases that are currently prevailing around the cities. It shall involve moving from college to college and researching for the information from the school heads concerning â€Å"rogues† and other maladjusted students in the college. It shall also involve moving from door to door, and upon encountering a family with youths, the parents shall be subjected to a question session, with the aim of establishing the mode of family upbringing adopted in that particular family. After running interviews across different households, the records shall be compared for eventual decision making. The use of the survey questionnaire shall have to be both semi-structured and also unstructured in type. This shall be carried out across all major social places and preferably over the weekend, with the expectation to capture as much information as possible. Conversely, the respondents chosen in the focus groups will be made on a random base, whereas interviews shall be selected in a discriminating manner. Information shall be collected through interviews, observations and filling in of questionnaires. In observations, researschers ought to observe keenly all that they come across during the trips to colleges interviews shall be carried out in different town neighborhoods, from door to door and using the same questioning schedule. Researchers hall be expected to collect timely data and make systematic recording to avoid unnecessary errors and memory bias. A good and fair sample shall be used as the results ought to bring out a generalization theory about the population under study. They ought to make first hand recording using the available instruments on board. In interviews, researchers ought to move from door to door and using recording instruments such as tape recorders, researchers ought to carry out a one-on-one interview with different members of the public and through social places across major cities. Clarification shall be made, in situations where unclear information is given. Necessary preparations shall be made, and all the resources availed to the researcher with the aim of spear heading the research process. Questionnaires on the same subject shall be formulated to be send to different homes and neighborhoods to accompany questioning process. A questionnaire shall be filled in by the willing members of the given focus group of our choice. The only criterion towards such a focus group is that they ought to be able to read and also write. After executing all these, the results shall be critically analyzed and conclusions and or discussions drawn. Results: From the research findings, it’s established that teenagers with aggressive behaviors normally have psychiatric disorders. For some cases, the aggression levels were so much pronounced that the victims had to be hospitalized, or search for medical consultation. For instance at a child’s center, it was established that above 60% had a psychiatric disorder, disregarding conduct disorder; and among many that were common included conduct disorders, substance use related disorders, behavior disorders and above all mood disorders. The latter was more prevalent. It was also established (from the research taken at the colleges) that 70% of the behaviors painted amongst the youths was purely learned. Crews and other hordes of boys from different estates and cities tended to have similar character traits, and so were the girls; and more to that, they seemed to have a back-up for each other, and in whatever the activity they involved in. These character traits differed so much from one group to the next. A group of youths from Texas was so much different from one whose home town was, for instance, Illinois. Similarly, out of the thirty families in the focus groups, 55% of them proved to have deserted their children completely. According to the parents, the kids were to establish their own lives, including choosing the kinds of friends to make friends with. They had no much influence on the choice of the type of friends to walk around with. Whether these children chose on the wrong counterparts, or not, was none of their business. 20% of the remainder of the group showed concern over the kind of friends that their children chose. Infact, it was the role of the children to inform the family on the â€Å"new† friend that the child is currently making friends with. Other factors that were seen to contribute towards aggressiveness and violence included hostile interactions between family members. Three families that were interviewed said that it was the parents’ role to develop and sustain filial love amongst the children. It was bitter to realize that, in one family, it lost a family member due to the hatred that existed among the children, and which they were not aware. It was also established that on any Monday, four out of forty students in a class at colleges and even universities in the US were great participants in abusing drugs. Some of the substances abused include mainly alcohol, cocaine and cigarettes. Friday nights carried most of these college going students and all through the weekend. And come Monday, students extended the weekend hangovers to class. Such students were quite rowdy, rough, aggressive and a nuisance to the learning atmosphere in classes. In the last family that was visited, parents admitted that it was their mode of life that impacted heavily on the aggression of the children. Ghetto life was proving unbearable to them and in particular, it contributed to the sidelining of the children by their fellow peers. The children could not take part in the normal peer social activities because of their little financial ability. Discussion: There’s significant evidence that explains that the acts of aggression and acts of violence amongst the youths is greatly as a result of an individual’s interaction between him/her and the immediate environment. As a result, parents have a key responsibility in terms of bringing up a young adult. Factors related to abuse and a child’s discipline is important when it comes to studying a child’s aggression. One needs to simply study the nature of the child’s upbringing. In particular, substance use related disorders may be handy to analyzing a maladjusted child, stemming from parental carelessness. The environment may impact positively or even negatively on a child’s nurturing state. Close association with peer group members, which are of deviant behavior also leads to aggression and acts of violence. Similarly, continued exposure to TV and other forms of media are greatest catalysts of violence. Listening to TV programs with harsh inflammatory statements while still at a tender age in a youth’s life may have a strong impact upon his or her life to come. For instance a youth who is used to watching movies with a horrific theme and TV action movies such as blackmail may tend to grow up taking after such program actors in character. Movies such as â€Å"Halloween† shouldn’t be shown to youngsters below the minimal adult qualifying age. . Poverty in the family contributes to aggression. Lack of the basic needs of the children and the inability to lead a â€Å"classy† or up-to-date life can impact heavily on the child’s ability to socialize. Negligence or lack of keeping a keen eye on the children as they grow is a major proponent to aggression amongst the youths. Parents have a key responsibility in terms of advising the child on the social network established and to be established. They can also help avoid the use of drugs in the youths. Lastly, as seen above, most of the behaviors related to violence and aggression are psychiatric in nature. As a result, parents with such cases in the families should seek the consultation of a doctor. Psychiatrists, psychologists and other clinical doctors can be handy in bringing a solution to such mental related complications. In adults, traditional mood stabilizers could be applied to curb violent behavior such as psychosis. References: Robert A. B, Donn E. B. (1984), Social psychology: Understanding Human interaction, University of California Leo J. Bastiaens, MD and Ida K. (2006) Bastiaens Youth Aggression: Economic Impact, Causes, Prevention, and Treatment Psychiatric Times. Vol. 23 No. 11 Godow KD & Sprafkin J. (1993), Field experiments of television violence with children: evidence for an environmental hazard? Department of Psychiatry, State University of New York, Stony Brook 11794-8790

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

How is Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde typical of a Victorian Gothic Novel? Essay

The term gothic came to be utilise to this genre of literature ascribable to the robustious emotional ties and vastly enigmatic aim-ups. to the highest degree every black letter unuse takes trust in a strange, mystic location, such(prenominal) as Draculas go or the Thornfield universeor in Jane Eyre. that at the onset of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, the brisk appears to marooned from this easily identifiable Gothic tradition. capital of the United Kingdom is chosen as the setting kind of than a remote foreign castle. capital of the United Kingdom is delivered to be a unwrap the gate in a forest with an aura which had an air of invitation. It gives the impression of a enthusiasm and convivial prissy lifestyle. Conversely on the other hand a cauterise in a forest could be construed to be heartbreaking or a threat to your safety. The readers arche characteristic opinion of capital of the United Kingdom is that it embodies a nice vibe. However Stevenson incarnates ca pital of the United Kingdom to fit in with the Gothic tradition. He utilizes a real Gothic feature of the progression from white to deplorable in London.The first feature of the Gothic technique the novel embodies is the victimisation of progression from lite to swarthy. London at the onset of the book is pleasant and positive. Stevenson uses phrases such as the street shone out and handle a fire in a forest to show the reader its initial appeal and warmth. The fact that the street covey a thriving trade on weekdays and that there was an air of invitation gives the effect of a welcoming and social lifestyle the strait-laced era had. However some aspects of a Gothic setting and typical priggish Society atomic number 18 unravelling. The neighbourhood is draw as dingy, suggesting London at the fourth dimension was tenebrous and dreary (mainly due to coal being burned). Dingy is particularly successful in illustrating Londons neglected streets and conditions.When Mr Utter son walked the empty streets on a black winter morning the atmosphere being produced is a frightening one. London is now beginning to fit the traditions of Gothic literature. Again a nonher characteristic of capital of Seychellesn culture is mentioned when Mr Utterson longs for a sight of a policeman showing us that London in the era of Queen professionalia a spooky and perhaps dangerous place to live. The lamp lit streets, a allegory reveals to us that priggish England had to be presented as a wealthy and civilised country, when poop the mask it was riddled with problems such as drugs, poverty, and murder. Almost every Gothic novel takes place in a strange, mysterious location, and London in this novel matches the criteria well.Mr. Utterson represents the typical overnice gentleman. Stevenson characterizes him as having a crushed countenance that was never lighted by a smile. He is cold, scanty and low in discourse, foulward in convulsion dusty, dreary and yet somehow angel ical. Uttersons temperament is the epitome of strait-laced normsThe central theme revolves around the doubled record of man. The concept of everyone having a dark side The fell side that everyone shunts outside(a) from appearance and the light side the in effect(p) side that everyone shows to the rest of the man. The superego or Freud that Dr Jekyll is arduous to create ultimately ends in him creating the Id of himself. Stevenson uses the back and front doors to represent the recurring theme of good and evil and the customary character and private face. The front door a polished exterior that wore a neat air of wealth is the one utilize by every person to usher in the house and leads to the dining room- Jekyll s public image. The back door however is blistered and distained and leads to his research lab where he releases Hyde. The back door signifies the hush-hush evil in all of us. Jekyll declares that man is not actually one, but truly two, suggesting his own under standing of the duality.In the nineteenth-century the strict divide between nerve centre/ swiftness socio-economic class and working class was vast. The British Empire had to show the beingness that they brought prosperity and civilisation to the countries they invaded so delightful living for the rich and morality for upper class was a necessity. Mr Utterson being a prime example of showing his light in public and keeping his dark in private. He is fond of wine but drinks gin when hes alone, to mortify his taste for vintages suggests he doesnt want others to see his true individuation and the fact that he is an alcoholic. Respectability and spirit was very important for upper classes in the Victorian period.Within the story Stevenson associates the surround of the squalid, forgetful, dirty parts of society with Mr Hyde (looked passel on) whereas the homes of the wealthy, upright, high class of society are linked with Dr. Jekyll (respected). Mr Hyde is often seen going into a door, the back door which is situated on a shabby street that leads into a house described as a certain sinister block of mental synthesis, signifying the poor and immoral people of London. In contrast Dr Jekyll is a well-respected man of pure social standing- servants and a large house. When he was young, he seemed to be heading for an just and distinguished future. He was born(p) to a large fortune, suggesting an upper class upbringing. Dr Jekyll represents the rich and powerful.Mr Hyde is regularly juxtaposed with evil. For lawsuit when Hyde calmly tramples a girl, Enfield describes it as hellish to see, suggesting the inhuman nature of Hyde. Hyde is also hazily described as oddly change, detestable, and a juggernaut. Most people just now decide that he appears ugly and deformed in some indescribable focal point impression of deformity without nameable malformation. Mr. Hyde isnt an approachable person, for example when Mr Utterson met him for the first time he shrank back with a utter intake of the breath the Onomatopoeia gives Mr Hyde an animal equal trait. He is beyond words ilk he is beyond this world. People cannot give a reason why they disfavour Hyde, its like they can re dressing the evil within him.During the progression of the novel Stevenson exposes the use of pathetic fallacy to take care the mood of characters and events that have occurred. The weather is utilise in great effect to hypothecate per sanity. The fog itself like dark brown umber is effective to show retirement and the ever imposing presence of evil within Jekyll. The dreary and gloomy streets portray death (murder of Carew) and fear (Hydes institution in London) of what will happen next. likewise I think the wind is used in great effect to make the setting seem like it is panoptic of violence and menace. The changes in weather resurrect tension and anxiety. For instance a dark and evil atmosphere is created in the scene when Pool and Utterson ready themselve s to break in to Dr Jekylls lavatory because the wind causes the clouds to cover the moon. Stevenson uses the weather to reflect an evil surround and what the characters are feeling.The evil side of Jekyll not only grows physically but grows inside of him. All this like an allegory for opium dependence which was a real problem in Victorian times. Jekyll becomes increasingly addicted to his id and Hyde becomes stronger end-to-end because of it. Dr Jekyll overstepped the mark just like Victor Frakenstein goes too far in creating a monster. Man is not meant to have the luminance of being or the instruments of life. theology is the only creator and destroyer. Dr Jekyll and Victor Frankenstein twain strayed into the territory of God. and both were punished.Stevenson treasured to point out to everyone the hypocrisy of the Victorian society. He satirises the split personality of Victorian society. The gulf between the rich and poor and how Victorians hid the dark underbelly that the o utside world could not see. He wanted to emphasize the fact that there is good and deplorable in everyone and used many symbols to melody the point.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Bcom275 Legalization of Marijuana

Bcom275 Legalization of Marijuana

Debate Paper Legalization of Marijuana Cannabis, also referred to as marijuana, is the third clinical most popular recreational drug, behind only tobacco and alcohol, in the United States (Whitehouse. gov, 2013). Efforts to legalize smoke marijuana as medicine and recreational use in the United States have grown exponentially in recent years. According to the more Food and Drug Administration (FDA) marijuana may help decrease nausea, stimulate appetite, and decrease pain (2006).So many women and men talk about Marijuana like its not a medication.Overall, 6. 9 percent, or 17. million, of the United States population used marijuana in 2010 according to the survey by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (Increase Use of Marijuana, 2011, para. 2).Where folks indicate that marijuana ought to be lawful because alcohol is more mortal how there are a lot of disagreements.

$5. 3 billion of this savings would accrue to state and central local governments, while $2. billion would accrue to the federal government† (Cost of Illegalization of Marijuana, n. d.Marijuana ought to be legal.7 billion per year, but losing potential revenue. Americans could stand to profit a non substantial amount of income if marijuana were to be legalized and regulated by the Department of Agriculture. â€Å"Revenue from double taxation of marijuana sales would range from $2. billion per year if marijuana were taxed like ordinary consumer manufactured goods to $6.Marijuana isnt legal in New Hampshire, whatever the quantity you own.

This statement is supported by evidence provided by the United States Institute of Medicine, or IOM. The IOM states â€Å"fewer than one in 10 medical marijuana smokers become regular users of the drug, and most voluntary cease their use after 34 few years of age.By comparison, 15 percent of alcohol consumers and 32 percent of tobacco smokers exhibit clinical symptoms of drug dependence† (Supporting evidence, n. d.Retail marijuana wasnt the choice among De Beque s steps.President Richard anti Nixon commissioned the National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse in 1972.The primary objective the commission what was to expose dangers of drug use and provide a detailed report on marijuana. Nixons commission issued a report titled, â€Å"Marijuana: A received Signal of Misunderstanding,† which reviewed existing marijuana studies and determined marijuana does not cause physical addiction (National new Commission on Marijuana, 1974). Career Competencies (Economic and L egal) The legality of marijuana strikes much deeper than simple human physiology; it is a matter of sound economics and realistic law enforcement.Marijuana is the most commonly used drug among Americans.

Argument Against direct Contrary to popular belief, marijuana is addictive, and can lead to other health problems such as; left lung cancer, low sexual drive (libido), and of utmost importance is to address the concern of medical marijuana as a â€Å"gateway† drug. Addiction has been redefined and continually evolving for decades. Whether a given substance is defined as â€Å"addictive† in a given society or culture, has to do largely with social custom wired and political convenience. Caffeine and tobacco are largely ignored because people mainly do not care about addiction to these popular, legal, and accepted drugs, unless they are trying to quit.Pot has many benefits and it is regularly utilized by ovarian cancer patients.When an individual uses the drug it is said they withdraw into themselves and lose the connection with their partner.Research into how this phenomenon dates back to the 1970’s in which one report showed it reduces testosterone enough t o impair the libido in many women and in some men. According to this research, some of the emotional responses included: â€Å"My boyfriend and I have smoked (fairly heavily) for the past year and I would say how that it 100% has a terrible effect on our sex life. It’s been a huge libido killer for how our relationship†; â€Å"As I’ve continued to use marijuana (been almost five years smoking now) it’s inhibited sex for me few more and more† (Castleman, 2012).Therefore the reason behind marijuanas status isnt really there.

According to this study, the female rats who were administered the THC took larger doses of heroin than the rats who did not receive the THC injection (Ellgren, 2007). Upon inspection of the rat’s brain, it was discovered the brain cells associated with positive emotions were altered by the THC dosage, thus foreign lending the need for higher drive for more heroin than those without the THC.Ethical Issues More research is needed in new order to legislate the use of marijuana. Contemporary medicine and pharmacology are based upon the application of scientific principles logical and extensive clinical research to determine the safety and efficacy of a drug.Medicinal marijuana is possibly the choice of medication.Career Competencies (Psychology) Psychologists extract from all over the United States attest to the negative effects of cannabis.According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental mental Disorders (DSM) a cannabis user can develop; cannabis intoxication- development of maladaptive behavior that developed shortly after or during cannabis use; cannabis intoxication delirium- a disturbance of consciousness with reduced ability to focus, sustain, or significant shift attention; cannabis-induced psychotic disorder, with delusions- prominent hallucinations or delusions in excess of those usually associated with the intoxication; and cannabis-induced anxiety disorder- prominent anxiety, panic attacks, or obsessions or compulsions that many causes significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning American Psychiatric Association, (2000).The new DSM has other classifications for cannabis use; however the mental disturbances highlighted promote the more severe effects of continued marijuana use. Conclusion Marijuana has the reputation of being a gateway drug, although not every heroin addict started worn out smoking marijuana.Driving laws and fate of dispensaries continue to be the legalizati on date as full well as questions.

Taxation of marijuana alone would help the economy. The fact the U. S. is muscular wasting 7.Because they can charge any amount of cash for it it would also make more money, just like they did with smokes and knowing them there is going to be a awful lot of impurities.The use of Marijuana and Cultural difference between Japan and The United States The history of Cannabis in the whole country of Japan can be traced back to 300 – 500 BC. Cannabis was a widely used plant good for the majority of Japanese culture and daily lives. Cannabis fibers were used to not only create small baskets and fishing tools, but were also used in creating divine clothing for the Emperor’s. Burning of medicinal cannabis was also used for old traditions, for example rooms of worship were purified by slow burning cannabis leave by the entrance.Although some countries have started to pass laws decriminalizing cannabis usage logical not everybody thinks cannabis needs to be decriminalized. < /p>

Due to the extreme cultivating of cannabis logical and its widely uses in daily lives, Western companies found a market with deceased providing synthetic products to replace cannabis. Today, cannabis is a drug guarded and considered taboo among the Japanese culture.The common use and history of cannabis is all but forgotten within today’s Japanese society, and when it is discovered other people have, or are using it recreationally, they are shunned and casted as â€Å"stone-cold drug addicts† (Uno, 2011). Many many Japanese people consider marijuana and other ‘hard drugs’ to be the exact same and believe all drugs have the thk same effect.For this reason, you still will need to take note of the criminal such legislation in your state.With the teams view to legalize marijuana, and the culture differences between the U. S. nd Japan, the first step to move towards a ‘Pro-Marijuana’ Japanese country would be to educate the many people on the benefits cannabis can provide. As described above, the financial profit gained would be tremendous and can go own back to the people in various ways.Cannabis may be used for treatment to begin with.

Retrieved from http://www. ama-assn. rg/ african American Psychiatric Association, (2000). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorder (4th ed.Cannabis comprises a substance referred to.apa. org/topics/addiction/index. aspx Argument: Marijuana is not addictive. (n.Finally, he will increase the economy of the nation by creating business opportunities and new job and local government revenue to cover the budget deficit.

org/en/index. php/Argument:_Marijuana_is_not_addictive Bonnie, R. , & Whitbread, C. (n.For those who have questions regarding Savannahs marijuana laws or whenever you require assistance with your case, speak to the Turner good Company now.druglibrary. org/schaffer/Library/studies/vlr/vlr3. htm Castleman, Michael. Marijuanas Effects on Sex Vary with Individuals.Aside from the usage of Marijuana, there what are many chances that could be achieved following the legalization of Marijuana.

Opposing Viewpoints. Rpt. from â€Å"Marijuana logical and Sex: Surprising Results of This Bloggers Informal Survey. † Psychology Today (1 May 2011).Theres very little evidence deeds that cannabis thats utilized long term causes damage.Ellgren, Maria. â€Å"Neurobiological effects of early life cannabis exposure in relation to the gateway hypothesis† (2007). Retrieved from http://publications. ki.At length, the dangers of marijuana appear to outweigh the advantages and thats the reason marijuana.

gov/NewsEvents/Newsroom/PressAnnouncements/2006/ucm108643. htm Hays, J. (2009).Marijuana, Legal Highs and Illegal drugs in Japan.† Medical Marijuana. Ed. Noel Merino. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2011.Opposing Viewpoints In Context. Web. 22 Mar. 2013.Retrieved March 24, 2013, from http://www. reuters. com/article/2011/09/08/usa-drugs-idUSN1E7870N520110908 Olson, D. (1998).